Wrong Boss Can Ruin Your Home Life


What would happen if, instead of overworked and burned out, workers had supportive managers who understood work is just one part of life? What if workers had more control over their schedules, and flexibility?

Healthy workers, healthy work-life fit and “redesigned” work for more support and flexibility are key not only to living a good life, but to doing good business. Some companies have this “all in” culture, where people are expected to be available 24/7, and it’s not sustainable.

They’re actually burning out their people. After the economic crisis, people feel lucky to have a job. And it’s viewed as a sign of lack of commitment if you’re not available 24/7.

There’s no reason why we can’t redesign work – have back ups, spread the responsibility for when emergencies do arise, so you’re not calling the same person every night when the computer goes down.

Workplace social support matters. Having a boss that understands that work-life issues are part of an employee’s needs, and critical for not burning people out.